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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Performance Improvements to the Data Details dashboard for student-related resources

Updates are made to the Data Details dashboard for student-related resources to optimize the query by adding additional filter so that the record fetch is within the acceptable limits and doesn’t cause Server Unavailable error.


PowerSchool SIS: Update in the Reporting Period Ext Resource to publish all Instructional Track

Reporting Period Ext Resource has been updated to reflect the tracks setup on Calendar Name and in the JSON within calendarDateReference.


PowerSchool SIS: School Calendar and Calendar Dates resource updated for the ADSY reporting

ADSY Reporting has been added to the School Calendar and Calendar Dates resources.


PowerSchool SIS: Reporting Period Attendance and Reporting Period Attendance - Flex updates

Updates are made to the resources in Reporting Period Attendance and Reporting Period Attendance - Flex categories to ensure that the records are published successfully when there is a leading zero in the district number preference setup.


eSchoolPlus: Child Find Dependencies

The Child Find program records were in a dependency state on the students records over the chain of dependencies, because the corresponding students records were not explicitly published for the Child Find students. The publishing of the students records was adjusted, which resolves the dependency issue.


PowerSchool SIS: New DEX ReportingPeriodExts resource

New `reportingPeriodExts` resource is now available to support the integration of extended reporting periods for ADSY sessions. This will involve adding necessary attributes and linking to existing data tables.


PowerSchool SIS: Discipline Action Not Publishing Records

The discipline staging query has a number of the joins to publish additional supporting values, which are not supposed to create duplicates according to the PowerSchool business rules, but these assumptions are not enforced on the database side, and as a result, due to some imported or otherwise inconsistent source data, the duplicates may be created in the scenario not expected by the DEX framework. This results in run-time errors and not publishing discipline for certain schools at all.

To address the issue, the discipline query has been adjusted to exclude the possibility of the duplicates.


PowerSchool SIS: Restraint Events resource is publishing correct School ID

Restraint Events resource is now publishing the correct School ID for each record.


PowerSchool: LocalEducationAgency Resource Updates

Updates have been made to the LocalEducationAgency resource to ensure that the programOfStudies complex does not output null values when a value is selected for the CTE Program of Studies which is retired for the School Year.


eFinancePlus: Update Publishing of StaffAssignments

The publishing from the HR profile was failing for many records due to legitimate duplicates within the {{staffServiceSets}}array, which are not supported by the Ed-Fi extended structure created by TEA, because the key within the array is by descriptor and begin date, and begin date is hard-coded by the DEX functionality to the first year date (July 31), while the customer records may have duplicates for the same descriptor and different grade levels. To address the issue, the publishing of the begin date has been adjusted to publish consecutive dates past the first year day in case of duplicates per descriptor value.


PowerSchool SIS: Special Education Resource update to fix the SELA errors

Special Education Resource under Student Programs category has been updated now to display the SELA and InstructionalSetting record correctly.


PowerSchool SIS: Staff Section Association updates for v2024.4.2 SDK

Staff Section Resource is now updated with a new complex type ClassroomPositionSet with two elements - ClassroomPositionDescriptor, and ClassroomPositionBeginDate.


PowerSchool SIS: CourseSequenceDescriptor is publishing for the section resource

CourseSequenceDescriptor is publishing for the section resource for the ManualEntrystoredgrades.


eSchoolPlus: Staff Section - DEX Not Able To Processes

Errors and dependencies were identified in the Staff Section related to courses scheduled in different buildings with students from other buildings, despite sharing the same state code. This issue was causing problems with publishing Organization Schedules > Section. Attempts to create a JSON file resulted in an error message. Dependencies did not show any common patterns. This has been corrected so that Staff Sections will publish successfully.

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