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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


eSchoolPlus: Error 400 Publishing studentEducationOrganizationAssocation

When publishing Student Demographics (studentEducationOrganizationAssocation), a 400 error could occur if the Graduation Year is blank or 0. This has been adjusted to ignore these values and continue publishing.


eSchoolPlus: New Elements Added To Students Resource

Two new elements have been added to the students resource: asOfStatusLastFridayOctoberDescriptor and asOfStatusLastDayEnrollmentDescriptor.


eSchoolPlus: Source for HomelessStatus Mapped Incorrectly in DEX Processing

Source for HomelessStatus was mapped incorrectly in DEX processing and now it has been corrected with the correct program ID and field value.


eSchoolPlus: Student Characteristic for 08 (New Tech)

The logic for the Student Characteristic of 08 (New Tech) has been modified to check whether the building is flagged as New Tech campus. If the building is flagged, then the 08 characteristics will be reported for Prioryearleave and SSA resource.


eSchoolPlus: Special Ed Students Missing InstructionalSetting

Special Ed students were missing InstructionalSetting from the studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations resource. This issue has been fixed and now the value is reported correctly.


Mapped Value Does Not Display After Paging

Users no longer encounter the issue of mapped values not being displayed after navigating to different pages in the editor. The mapping editor now correctly displays recently mapped values when navigating to different pages within a selected code set.


PowerSchool SIS: Discipline and Discipline Action Updates

Discipline Action Resource is now updated to display the full CDC number for Campus of Responsibility and Campus of Assignment keys.

Discipline and Discipline Action Resource are now updated with new logic for Campus of Responsibility to fetch the enrolled school in case of missing Campus of Responsibility value.


 PowerSchool SIS: Pref Name for pkProgramEvaluationTypeDescriptor

The pref name has been corrected to Program Evaluation Type (E1626), in districtPEIMSAndTSDSReporting.html. The field name now appears correctly in the JSON, of the LEA resource.


PowerSchool SIS: Records Publishing for CourseTranscript Resource

An error occurred in publishing the CourseTranscript for Course Attempt Status due to the CourseAttemptResultDescriptor displaying as 1 with the namespace instead of 01. This caused an issue as 1 is not a valid CourseAttemptResultDescriptor. This issue has been resolved and CourseTranscript resource is now publishing records without errors.


Sensitive Cookie in HTTPS Session Without Secure Attribute

The DEX Portal in Azure AKS had an issue where a session cookie was added to an HTTP response without the 'Secure' attribute set. The 'Secure' attribute is now set for the session cookie.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.