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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


eFinancePlus: Added an extra date to endDate of staffEducationOrganizaitonEmploymentAssocations

Added an extra date to endDate of staffEducationOrganizaitonEmploymentAssocations to accommodate state requirements of the end date being 1 day after the staff exited.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to StudentCensusBlockGroup

The StudentCensusBlockGroup was being excluded for some students due to an invalid timestamp on the record. This has been fixed and will be published correctly, which will resolve Fatal Error 40100-0190.


eSchoolPlus: Prior Year Leaver Language Updates

The logic for the around the below fields has been corrected, which will resolve Fatal Error 40110-0202.

  • Emergent Bilingual Indicator

  • Parental Permission

  • Individual graduate committee indicator

  • Homeless status

  • TitleI PartA Participant

  • Language Instruction program


PowerSchool SIS: Students now publishing the Census Block

Records not appearing in DEX due to post-snapshot ADA status changes have been resolved. We now prioritise the ADA code as of the snapshot date, ensuring accurate CensusBlock publication for student resources.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to the Language Instruction program to address Fatal Error 40110-0014

The logic in the Language Instruction Program has updated to get the last entered value, which will resolve Fatal Error 40110-0014.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to StudentCharacteristic

The issue where students with a 504 plan did not have Student Characteristic 12 published in the Student Demographic has been resolved. Now, these students correctly have the necessary Student Characteristic information, and the special warning has been addressed.


DEX Framework: Updates for 500 Bearer Token error

Improved bearer token handling by updating the expiration check process. Previously, new tokens were fetched for each batch. Now, the token expiration is checked only against the first job in the first batch, ensuring it is renewed only once if expired.


eSchoolPlus: ECSH/PTEC Error 40100-0181

The Student Demographics resource has been updated for reporting the characteristic '06' at the building level. If the ECHS indicator is checked at the building level and the P-Tech indicator is reported at the student level, the ECHS characteristic at the building level will be suppressed, and only '07' will be reported.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Language Instruction Program Service Sets

The Language Instruction Program Service sets have been updated to correct the dates that are publishing when a student has multiple sets. This will correct fatal errors 40110-0007 and 40110-0201.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to priorYearLeavers resource for IBC Exam

Corrected the JSON output for a student's IBC failed attempt. The JSON now accurately displays the exam date and fee for the failed attempt, instead of the previously incorrect date of 5/16 and a fee of 0.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to StaffSectionAssociation resource

For physical education classes with multiple staff members, only the "teacher of record" (the individual with NumberOfStudentsInClass greater than 0) should have a value reported for NumberDaysTaughtWeek1. Other staff members should not report a value for this field. This update resolves the fatal error 30090-0106.


Powerschool SIS: Staff Assignment resource update for multiple SpedStudentAgeRange

The Staff Assignment resource has been updated to publish multiple records based on SpedStudentAgeRange.


DEX Framework: Updates to Search Functionality

The search functionality in DEX has been enhanced to be case-insensitive, allowing users to perform faster and more efficient searches.

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