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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Default Values on Staff Record

The default value for the fields YearsPriorTeaching and YearsExperienceDistrict under staff record is now set to 0.


PowerSchool SIS: Program Type Enhancements for Language Instruction Resource

The Language Instruction resource will now report the Program Type as

  • (12) English as a Second Language (ESL) if

    • ESL Program Type (E1043) is (2) ESL/content-based or (3) ESL/pull-out or

    • Alternative Language Program (E1642) is (02) Alternative ESL Language Program

  • (04) Bilingual if

    • Bilingual Program Type (E1042) is (2) Transitional Bilingual/Early Exit, (3) Transitional Bilingual/Late Exit, (4) Dual Language Immersion/Two-Way, or (5) Dual Language Immersion/One-Way or

    • Alternative Language Program (E1642) is (01) Alternative Bilingual Program


PowerSchool SIS: Staff Employment Updates for Staff's Auxiliary Role ID

Staff Employment Resource will now publish Staff's Auxiliary Role ID if Auxiliary Role selected in the Staff Information.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Missing langinstruprogramsvc Descriptor

The selection criteria for the Language Instruction Program Descriptor has been updated in both the Prior Year Leaver entity and the Student Language Instruction Program Association entity to ensure consistent publishing.


PowerSchool SIS: Updates to Student Address Information

For Prioryearleaver resource student address information is published in the JSON.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Publishing Homeless Students for Prior Year Leavers

The HomelessStatusDescriptor appears in the JSON under the Prior Year Leavers category in DEX for all students with a Homeless Status Code in their last enrollment record.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for DEX not Clearing Exclude from TSDS PEIMS Student Records

If the “Exclude from TSDS PEIMS” flag is set to true, then all the student-related resources are excluded from publishing.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Graduate FHSP DLA Indicator

The distingLevelAchievementGraduate is set to true when the FHSP_DIST_LVL_ACH_IND value is '2'; otherwise, it is false.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Secondary Staff Errors

The StaffSectionAssociations resource has been updated to publish the ClassroomPositionDescriptor based on the TXTB_C180 validation table, ensuring the correct class role value is published.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Student Characteristic Descriptor 08

In the Student Demographic, StudentCharacteristicDescriptor#08 records were incorrectly published for students without a NEW-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE in the TX_101 record. These records will now be published for students with a valid new tech value in TX_101. This issue has now been resolved.


PowerSchool SIS: Publish Prior Year Leavers in Student ID and School Enrollment Resources

The prior year leavers with As-of Status A are now reported in Student ID and School Enrollment resources.


PowerSchool SIS: Staff Sections Updates for Non-Campus Based Instruction

Staff Sections Resource will now publish Staff Sections for non-campus-based Instruction values of blank/00, 04, and 06. Other non-campus-based Instruction values will not have their Staff Section records published.


DEX: Hide Data Changes Option Updates

Multiple issues with the 'Hide Data Changes' option on the DEX setup page have now been resolved.


PowerSchool SIS: Updates to Homeroom Indicator - ECDS KG Submission

Hoomroom Indicator is now publishing correctly in the student section resource.


PowerSchool SIS: School Enrollment Updates for Calendar Code Details

School Enrollment Resource will now display Calendar Code on the DEX dashboard


eSchoolPlus: Selection Criteria Update for Special Education

The selection criteria for Student Special Education data has been updated to ensure uniqueness of the records.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Staff Section Resource

The issue where the NumberOfStudentsInClass and MonthlyMinutes fields were missing in the Staff Section has been resolved.


PowerSchool SIS: Updated the CharterWaitList on Schools Resource

The Schools record previously published two types for the CharterWaitList: a single element and an array. Now, the School record has been updated to publish only the single CharterWaitList element for the schools resource.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations

The field gradeLevelDescriptor is now removed from staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations resource to be aligned with latest TEA 2025.2.1 release.


eSchoolPlus: Resolved Errors on residentialFacilityStudentSchoolDayLength Field

Errors in the Special Education resource have been resolved by trimming the user input value of 000 to 0 for the residentialFacilityStudentSchoolDayLength field.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Session Dependency Errors

The course offering dependency on sessions is now resolved, allowing support for both semesters and trimesters within the same school, based on the configured setup.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for incorrect value of individualGraduationCommitteeGraduateIndicator

When FIELD_VALUE = '02', the Ed-Fi element IndividualGraduationCommitteeGraduateIndicator is now published with a 'TRUE' value.


DEX: UI Update to Display Last Replication Date

The Dex UI now displays the 'Last Replication Date' on the Diagnostics page under Data Exchange Settings, enabling customers to track the most recent replication and monitor data synchronization status. This enhancement helps users quickly identify potential replication issues and ensure data freshness.

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