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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


DEX DE: Updates to Assessment Flagging

The namespace for assessment flagging for assessment identifiers 200 and 210 has been updated to uri://


DEX: Startup Process Performance Improvements

The Startup Process Performance Improvements in the framework have optimized the PerformSyncMDWithOperational function triggered at the end of the startup process. Previously, this function took longer in larger datasets due to a full table scan during cleanup. The enhancement includes adding an IF EXISTS check before deleting records.


eFinancePlus: Fix for Payroll Transactions 400 Error

The 400 errors on payroll transactions under DEX finance/payroll/payroll transactions are now fixed.


eSchoolPlus: Course Offering Resource Updates

A code update has been implemented to exclude active courses without enrollments from the CourseOffering resource.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Descriptor Page Issue

The issue under Descriptors to filter, sort, and paginate is now resolved.

Navigation: Dashboard, Descriptors


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Homeless Students Publishing

The issue with the incorrect publication of homeless students has now been resolved.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Primary PK Funding Source Order

The fatal error (40110-0034) related to pulling the Primary PK Funding Source with an OrderOfPKFundingSource of 2 has now been fixed.


eSchoolPlus: Performance Improvements

A code update has been made to improve the performance around publishing of Student School Associations and Prior Year Leavers.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Secondary Staff Publishing

The NumberDaysTaughtWeek1-4 and NumberMinutesTaughtWeek1-4 are now published only for primary staff to avoid errors on secondary staff records.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Student Characteristic Descriptor(Dyslexic)

The selection rule for the dyslexic student characteristic descriptor has been updated to exclude publishing begin and end dates if the student is not dyslexic.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Student Section Resource

If a student is enrolled in a section where the course add date and course drop date are the same, this enrollment is considered a "no-show." Such enrollments will not be published in the studentSectionAssociation, staffSectionAssociation, courseOffering, or any resource where valid section enrollment is required.


Powerschool SIS: Fix for Title 1 Part A Program Records Missing

The studentTitleIPartAProgramAssociations resource has been updated with a design change to handle the scenario of records erroneously excluded from publishing.


Powerschool SIS: Resource Name Update from actualExts to priorYearActualExts

The resource name has been updated from actualExts to priorYearActualExts in the json for the HR profile, and the DEX label has been changed from Account Actuals to Prior Year Account Actuals.


Powerschool SIS: Updates to CalendarDates Resource

The issue of CalendarDates Resource publishing extra days has now been fixed.


Powerschool SIS: Updates to Prior Year Leavers Publishing

Prior Year Leavers now includes prior year graduates with As of Status B and C for Fall 2024-25.


Powerschool SIS: Updates to Special Education Program

Updates are made to the studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations resource to output the SPEDProgramSvc indicator of 22 correctly when RDSPD is set as Enrolled (03).


Powerschool SIS: Updates to ToolOrAssessmentUsed Descriptor

C320 – ToolOrAssessmentUsed descriptor has been updated in accordance with the 2025.2.0 SDK changes. Newly added descriptors are now published in DEX.

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