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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


DEX: Hide Data Changes Checkbox(Selected Few Districts Only)

The Data Changes checkbox will be hidden for selected larger districts to prevent performance issues.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for Emergent Bilingual Indicator

The Emergent Bilingual Indicator now accounts for state code equivalency mapping, ensuring it is published in alignment with the customer's local code settings.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Student Characteristic Descriptor(Dyslexic)

The selection rule for the dyslexic student characteristic descriptor has been updated to exclude publishing begin and end dates if the student is not dyslexic.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Display Staff Name

The staff name now displays correctly under all the staff resources, replacing the "never published" label for districts using external systems like eFP.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Student Characteristic Descriptor(ECHS)

The selection rule for the ECHS student characteristic descriptor has been updated to exclude publishing begin and end dates if ECHS is not assigned to the student.


eSchoolPlus: Fix for 400 Errors on ReportingPeriodEXT - ADSY Calendar Reporting

ADSY Calendar Reporting for 'ReportingPeriodExt' has been fixed for the field NumberDaysTaught. It will now calculate for reporting Period 9 with ADSY days only .


eSchoolPlus: Publishing Updates to Foster, Military, Intervention Indicators

Code updates have been implemented to successfully publish Foster Care, Military Connected, Intervention Indicator, and Early Reading Indicators.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Publishing Student Contacts

Student Contacts now publish only Contact Type ‘G - Guardian’ and exclude emergency contacts.


eSchoolPlus: Implementation of BasicReportingPeriodAttendance Resource

A new resource basicReportingPeriodAttendance is now implemented and available for users to support the attendance submission.

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