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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Powerschool SIS: Exclusion of Non-Reportable and No-Show Students from Enrollment Count

Non-reportable students and no-show students are currently included in the count due to the enrollment table not being updated. The update aims to exclude non-reportable students and no-show students from the enrolment count.


PowerSchool SIS: Remove Unnecessary Descriptor Definitions from Codeset Files

The unused descriptor definitions are now removed from the configuration file to ensure only necessary descriptors are downloaded


eSchoolPlus: Updates to StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation Resource

The elements FundingBuilding, ResidentBuilding, and AccountabilityBuilding from StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations have been copied to StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation > StudentIndicators.


eSchoolPlus: Addition of New Resource - staffEducationOrganizationContactAssociations

A new resource named staffEducationOrganizationContactAssociations has been added to DEX. This resource is intended to display the staff title and email address details.


Powerschool SIS: Updates to Prior Year leaver resource

The "At Risk" characteristic is not working in the Prior Year leaver resource on the Dex TX PS platform. This issue has been identified and resolved.


PowerSchool SIS: Updates to the CampusID of Residence

CampusID of residence is accurately published in the StudentSchoolAssociation Entity.


PowerSchool SIS: Updated the Prior Year Leaver Resource

Prior Year Leaver Resource have been updated to include the student characteristics 06 from the ECHS indicator and New Indicator code.


eFinancePlus: Fix for 404 Errors

Based on recent TEA updates, the resource name is updated from actualExts to priorYearActualExts, ensuring successful publishing of records.


eSchoolPlus: Updates to Column Names on Prior Year Leaver Screen

The column names on the Prior Year Leaver screen have been corrected to display the appropriate data:

The District Student Number column now pulls and displays the local Student ID.
The Student UID column now pulls and displays the Student Unique ID from eSchoolPlus.

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