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Data Exchange Release Notes

Refer to 2024 DEX Releases for release dates.



Release Note


PowerSchool SIS: Updates to Student Language Instruction Program Resource

A new extension element, langInstruProgramSvcSets, has been added to the StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation resource. This element is used to report the language service descriptor and begin/end dates for language instruction programs.


PowerSchool SIS: Updates to PriorYearLeaver Entity

The LanguageInstructionProgramService under the PriorYearLeaver entity has been updated from languageInstructionProgramServices to langInstruProgramSvcDescriptor. This change is necessary to ensure data consistency and proper categorization within the Students category.


PowerSchool SIS: Updates to StudentCTEProgramAssociation Resource

A new field, CTEProgramSvcSets, has been added under the extension for the StudentCTEProgramAssociation resource, enabling the reporting of the CTE program service descriptor and the service begin/end dates.


eSchoolPlus: New extension Element under Special Ed Programs Resource

The update adds a 'SPEDProgramSvcSet' under the extension 'studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationExtensions > spedProgramSvcSets' in the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation resource.


eSchoolPlus: Removed StudentCharacteristic Code 05

The StudentCharacteristic Code 05 has been removed from the resources Prior Year Leaver and Student Demographics.


eFinancePlus: Update to Staff Assignment Resource

A new descriptor, SPED Student Age Ranges, has been added to the code set value. The spedStudentAgeRangeDescriptor is utilized in the Staff Assignment resources under StaffServiceSet. Additionally, Grade level has been removed.


  PowerSchool SIS: Exclude from PEIMS update for "Student Demographics"

Users can now exclude the studentCharacteristics (01 At Risk, 02 Immigrant, 03 Migrant, 04 Dyslexia, 09 IEP Continuer, 11 PK Eligible Prior Year, 12 Section 504, 13 Intervention Strategy, 14 Pregnancy Related Services, 15 Gifted and Talented, 17 General Education Homebound, 19 Bilingual/ESL Summer School, 22 R-PEP Participation) from publishing in studentEducationOrganizationAssociations resource by marking the respective special program as Exclude from PEIMS.


 PowerSchool SIS: Exclude from PEIMS update for "priorYearLeaver"

Users can now exclude the studentCharacteristics (01 At Risk, 02 Immigrant, 03 Migrant, 04 Dyslexia, 09 IEP Continuer, 11 PK Eligible Prior Year, 12 Section 504, 13 Intervention Strategy, 14 Pregnancy Related Services, 15 Gifted and Talented, 17 General Education Homebound, 19 Bilingual/ESL Summer School, 22 R-PEP Participation) and EconomicDisadvantagedDescriptor,EmergentBilingualIndicatorDescriptor,TitleIPartAParticipantTypeDescriptor from publishing in prior year leaver resource by marking the respective special program as Exclude from PEIMS.


eSchoolPlus: PriorYearLeavers Financial Aid Indicator Update

For Prior Year Leavers, the Financial Aid Indicator has been updated to pull from REG_USER.FIELD_VALUE where SCREEN_NUMBER = ‘10215’ and FIELD_NUMBER = '1' as the source.


PowerSchool SIS: Exclude from PEIMS update for "restraints"

Users can now exclude the restraints records if the special education student program is Exclude from PEIMS from publishing in restraints resource.


PowerSchool SIS: Exclude from PEIMS update to "Child Find" program

Users can now mark entries for exclusion from DEX data submissions for Child Find programs using the "Exclude from PEIMS" checkbox. Once this option is selected and the data is saved, the specified entries will not be included in DEX submissions.


eSchoolPlus: Graduation Plan, Grading Period and Reporting Period not publishing

Reporting Period resource selection logic has been updated according to the mapping given in ATT_INTERVAL begin and end span . It can be given as date, marking period, Week number also .

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